MPS Documentation


This software is fairly easy to get up and running, a couple of assumptions are made -

A. You are familiar with Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP
B. You can follow these directions

Please dont email me for help on this as these instruction should be enough to get you started.

* I have not tested this on a Windows OS, but I am sure if you have MySQL and PHP installed, this should work with no problems.

Install Steps

- Download the newest mps.x.x.x.tar.gz file from sourceforge here
- untar the files
tar zxvf mps.x.x.x.tar.gz

- move the mps folder to your web directory
- CD to the mps folder
- Edit the includes/poker_config.php file to reflect your MySQL username, password, database, and server (usually localhost)
- Change back to the mps folder
- Create the mysql database you named in the poker_config.php file
mysql> CREATE DATABASE poker; quit;

- Import the mysql tables
mysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD DATABASE < new.sql

- If you want to test the software with already created data
mysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD DATABASE < test.sql

Once complete, point your web browser to to view the page index.

The admin console will allow you to add players, add games and change player names at this point, you can get to it by point ing your web browser to .